2017-02-15 13.31.54

On Thursday 2 November and Monday 6 November 2017, I will be holding one day, hands-on hacking workshops in my lab at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. The theme of the workshops is noise / glitch / breakdown in electronically mediated sound and music. Twelve to sixteen participants will work in teams of 3-4 to prototype projects that can draw on a wide variety of custom and off-the-shelf electroacoustic modules. These include a sensors, littleBits synth and cloudbit kits, the MIDI Sprout, Mogees, the Open Music Labs Audio Sniffer, circuit-bent toys and effects pedals and the KOMA Field Kit, as well as DAWs (e.g., Ableton, Bitwig), MIDI controllers and live coding (e.g., Max, Pure Data).

These workshops are successors to one that Edward Jones-Imhotep and I organized at InterAccess in Toronto in 2009 (the problematic for that first workshop was e-waste). Here we will be piggybacking on the annual meeting of the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association which will be bringing many humanists with a technoscientific bent to town. The theme of this year’s CSTHA conference is “science, technology and historical meanings of failure.” (N.B. #hackknow2 is not an official CSTHA event so you don’t have to be a member to participate, but members are, of course, welcome!)

A couple of logistical things: I don’t have any funding for this workshop, so I can’t provide travel, accommodations, food, etc.  I will provide all equipment and supplies and there are no registration fees. The Thursday workshop is already full, but there are a few slots available for the Monday workshop. If you would really like to be involved, please send me a brief e-mail telling me about yourself and your interests and I will get back to you as soon as I can.